Been Pre-Occupied

Sorry that I have been away.  I've just been really pre-occuppied.  Its not every day that you are the lead story in the local newspaper and have been the lead story on two local TV news channels.  WBIR's news story and WATE's news storyWATE's online story.  After you read the online story and perhaps watch the local stories from the other links, you'll know why I haven't been posting much.  This whole school board land issue has taken a lot of air out of my sails as far as posting tidbits of information. 

I'm hoping to get finished with my last chapter for the whidbey / yukon book by the end of the month and then have more time.


1 Comment

  • People who operate government these days seem to either "forget" or simply "overlook" that pesky little thingy called "THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND."

    Amendment V, in that particular document, states very clearly that, "nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation."

    That's clear enough for even colleege gradurats to comprehend.

    The term, "just compensation" means "fair market value!" Even the nine supremes have gotten that right a few times.

    You will find the same language in all state constitutions and the "lawful" statutory mechanisms for "taking private property for public use." Every state had to incorporate that language in their constitutions or they would not have been admitted to the Union. They may have even been otherwise annexed into Haiti or Albania, which is what they more resemble nowadays, anyway.

    Don't "wholly" rely on your lawyer to look out for your best interests in anything that concerns that law thingy when money and state power begin stalking you.

    Remember, they get paid and go home to dinner while the state carts off everything you own!

    Robert O. Birdwell

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