Visual Basic .NET <--> C#

I switch back and forth between Visual Basic and C#.  Sometimes, the project changes, but I keep writing the same code.  For some reason, I keep wanting to put the "static" keyword into my VB code.  I should have been using "shared" in VB/NET.  I couldn't figure out the error while I stared straight at the code for a few minutes.  What stumps you in switching between the two languages?

Geez, I wish this compiler error really existed in the Visual Studio .NET 2003.  Hmmm, as the graphic in Whidbey says, maybe I should go back to night school.


  • Not really VB.NET, more VB / VBScript...but I habitually add semicolons to the end of lines and forget that I need a 'then' and an 'end if' in if...then statements...

  • [] and ()

    and in VB.Net I often do

    i often do:

    byval string x, byval int y

    in my parameter list, but likely because I spend more time in C#

    select/switch is another one too :)

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