Why no software development conferences or code camps in Tennessee?
Ok, I have been really jealous the past couple of years about all of these cool conferences in other cities and states. I've been to Birmingham, Atlanta, Orlando, and Huntsville to talk at the Code Camps there. I've been invited to a couple of others to speak as well as attended the great DC Code Camp put on by Andrew Duthie last year. The question that has been in the back of my mind is "Why are there no code camp/sd conferences in TN?" Well, there is one now. John Kellar in Nashville is putting to gether something called DevLink. It is on Friday October 13th in Nashville, though he could have picked a better date (hahahaha). John contacted me a couple of days ago. I am sure that I'll post more info about this over the next couple of months. Until then, check out the site at http://www.devlink.net/.