Scott Mitchell Articles on MSDN

I had a chance to sit down and read Scott Mitchell's articles that are on MSDN regarding data structures in .NET.  First off, I like the content of them.  While I have been programming professionally for 14.5 years, I have a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering, not in Computer Science.  As a result, I sometimes miss certain basic items.  It was good to read the info in the articles.  Secondly, I like the fact that he spent some time focusing on algorithms and how long operations take.  Algorithms and the amount of time spent solving a problem is an area that is very near and dear to my heart as I see a lot of programmers implementing algorithms that are sub-optimal.

Article 1.

Article 2.



  • Scott writes well.

    I'm a regular over on / Over the years, he has produced lots of articles, from introductory level to fairly advanced.

    Always good.

  • Scott's articles are articulate and his topics are timely (not the 'average').

    Regarding data-structures/algorithms - as a Comp Sc (BS/MS) student, it was considered the most important course after your language (C++/Pascal/Java) course. It's also the required course for other advanced ones - compiler, automata, OperSys, etc.. Highly recommend that you grab a data-structures/algorithm book and dive into it. Moreover, it's the most fascinating part of CompSc (IMHO)..


  • Thanks for the plug and kind words, Wally. The article series is a proposed six-parter - I've actually turned in through Part 5.

    For those who are serious about data structure and algorithm analysis, you should get Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest. It's a thick book and assumes a certain level of knowledge (typically used in graduate-level studies), but if you get that book, you're pretty much set... Again, not very beginner-friendly, but definitely a "must have" book.

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