Georgia Tech Alumni News had Jim Allchin from MS in it

I just got a chance to read the Spring 2004 edition of the Georgia Tech Alumni News that had a news note about Jim Allchin from MS.  I did not realize it, but he got his PhD from Georgia Tech in 1983.  I got a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering specializing in digital signal processing, VLSI design, and computer architectures along with a minor in mathematics from Georgia Tech.  I got my BS in 1990 and my MS in 1991.  Any other Georgia Tech alumni out here?


PS. For those of you like Kirk Allen Evans, you can't adopt a school.  It only counts if you actually went to the school.  Sorry Kirk, I just had to throw that one in.  ;-)

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    I don't think the Georgia State Panthers even have a battle cry... we couldn't even win in TAAC with Lefty Driesell as our coach! I was forced to adopt a school.

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