Charlotte - Atlas UG talk


Charlotte was great yesterday. It was my first official talk as a member of the Ineta Speaker's Bureau. Bill Jones, Jr, the UG leader there, told me to expect about 75, he produced 104 by my count, and I am not sure that I got everyone either. I talked for way too long, as usual, but I think everyone really enjoyed it. There were a lot of really good questions. I got back a bit after two last night.



  • Looks like it was a good event :-)

  • Oh..I am in Charlotte and missed your session yesterday due to a hectic schedule at work. We (our application) moved to UAT yesterday (that was a big achievement though!).

    Also I got from my friends that your session was great and they were telling me that I missed a wonderful event with lots of useful information on AJAX.

    Is it possible to get the presentation slides? Please let me know.


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