Simple HowTos would be nice

Yeah, this is off-topic, but related to the site. 

With this new upgrade to CS 2.X, it would be really nice if there were a series of HowTos so that I know how to properly use the site and some of the options within it.  These are:
  • How do I setup cross-posting? (Ok, I need to have the metablog API setup on the recieving site, and I can't, so this is out).
  • Where are the cumulative stats?  I would like to know the number of page visits to my blog for a given day.  How do I do that?
  • Getting google analytics to run?


  • Crossposting already documented ;)

  • As you can imagine, we can't track questions, etc. via individual blogs. We really want to answer the questions so please send them to or post them in the forum at If you have a blog here and don't have access to the forum then please send your email address to and we'll get you setup with appropriate access to the forum.

  • No problems. :-)

    I didn't realize that there is a forum. I will check that out. Thanks!

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