ComponentArt blogs
The folks over at ComponentArt have started blogging. According to the dates of posts, the blog just went up today. The address for their blog is: Their first big post seems to be where Miljan talks about ASP.NET AJAX Beta 1 and ComponentArt Web.UI. Interesting stuff. I look forward to reading more.
Chattanooga, TN on November 14, 2006
I'll be in Chattanooga, TN on November 14 to talk at the Chattanooga .NET User Group. The topis going to bethe Microsoft AJAX Library.
South Bend, IN on November 21, 2006
I will be speaking in South Bend, IN on November 21, 2006, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. The subject will be Sql Server 2005 CLR Objects. If you are in the area, please come out. I will have some books to giveaway. I might have some more tshirts, but that is questionable right now.
Client side Page Lifecycle with the UpdatePanel - Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
For More Info:
Getting data from a web service with Microsoft AJAX Library October Release using the Core bits - Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
I've been work with getting data back from a web service with the October Release and using the Core Bits. If I try and return a datatable, I have been getting an error. I did some checking and I found that the datatable serializer is in the CTP dll, so this has been a frustrating situation. I did some reading and some additional checking and it looks like the only way to return data from a web service through a web service is by creating a strongly typed set of objects. I've been creating a Generic List<T> and then calling a .ToArray() when I return the data. if you have some additional suggestions, feel free to add them as a comment in this message.
MySql Plug in for Visual Studio .NET 2005
Component Art releases a new beta of their controls that supports ASP.NET AJAX - Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
Prefix change (atlas -> asp) - Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 Extensions
If you start checking ou the new tags, most of the tags have had their prefix change from atlas: to asp:. I say most because the UpdateProgress has not had its prefix changed.
ASP.NET Podcast Show #75 - Building Section 508 Compatible Applications with ASP.NET
Original Post @
New UI for UpdatePanel Triggers - – Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
There is a new trigger UI for the UpdatePanel in Visual Studio .NET.
A Cool Community Server Feature?
It looks like you can "schedule" a post to be posted at sometime in the future by setting its post date/time to that future time. The post doesn't seem to show up until after that date/time. I like it....................
UpdatePanel & Section 508 – Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
The new UpdatePanel supports the Section 508 standard. This is a great improvement over the previous CTP. As a result, users that access an ASP.NET application through a screen reader will be able to get the updated sections of page. Previous builds of the UpdatePanel did not work properly with screen readers. While this is a great step forward, this is not the be-all, end-all with regards to accessibility and the UpdatePanel. One question that never seems to be answered is how is a screenreader user notified that something has changed on the screen? How does a user know that a new grid with data in it is being displayed?
Minimizing the size of Script - Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
Originally pulled from:
Web Service calling – Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions
The calling parameters for calling a web service have changes somewhat in the new build. Assuming that a web service has the calling signature of:
Setting up a Web Service with the new Atlas Bits - Microsoft AJAX Library and ASP.NET 2.0 Ajax Extensions
To call a web service through the Microsoft AJAX Library, you will need to add the Microsoft.Web.Script.Services namespace to the using/import statements for your web service, unless you would like to add the complete name to the attributes. This is a change from the previous CTPs. I had liked that there was no code changes that needed to be done for the web services in the previous CTPs. Now, I have to add some attributes to my web service class.
The $ shortcut has been changed to $get with Atlas Beta 1
If you have downloaded the Atlas beta 1 bits, you have probably noticed that the $ shortcut has been changed to $get. If you want a list of shortcuts, you can open up the MicrosoftAjax.js file and take a look, or you can check out the list I have on my personal blog at:
New Refactored Atlas Bits
devLink - The Result
devLink in Nashville on Friday, October 13 was a really good event. John Kellar and the other folks put on a really good event. Some of the people that helped were:
ASP.NET Podcast Show #74 - Sql Server 2005 CLR Objects Basics
devLink on Friday, October 13 in Nashville, TN
ASP.NET Podcast Show #73 - Upcoming Community Events
Accessibility / Section 508 with ASP.NET
I have found the following items are important accessibility issues/settings from a development standpoint when building an ASP.NET application:
Third Party Patch for Windows