Scott Cate helps out the ADA.
Scott Cate helps out the ADA with proceeds from Easy Search ASP. See if you can help out to. This is way important.
Upcoming .NET Community Events
I wanted to mention some upcoming Community Oriented Events. They are:
ASP.NET Podcast Show #100 - Aaron on WCF file streaming
ASP.NET Podcast Show #99 - Nested Master Pages in Visual Studio 2008 (video and audio)
Why you should use Visual Studio 2008 today!
If you have an ASP.NET project that use ASP.NET AJAX, you should take a serious look at using Visual Studio 2008 today. The javascript debugging makes it all worth it. I was tracking an error today, and I would never have found out what was happening without seeing the breakpoints get hit in the IDE. It has helped me solve problem after problem. Its providing tangible benefits today! The productivity increase is amazing. And I am finding VS 2008 today is more reliable on Vista than VS 2005. This feature is just that important. And did I mention it makes a good floor wax and desert topping.................
Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1
Vista finally ships!
While Vista officially shipped at the end of January, 2007, I've had nothing but frustration with its reliability since I got it with my brand new laptop. I've really had a bad experience with the product. I've had random hangs of various applications and its been rather frustrating. Honestly, the product felt very much like it was rushed out the door. Granted, I am a developer, but I could hardly go an hour without a crash or a hang. Then, last week, like a bolt from the blue, MS released the new performance and compatibility updates.
.NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 talk on August 14
I'll be Huntsville, AL on August 14 talking on .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 for ASP.NET Developers. I'm looking forward to this. The site for the user group is:
My Life With Visual Studio 2008
ASP.NET Podcast Show #98 - Building an IIS7 HttpModule (video and audio)