Xamarin Tools: Components, Components, Components!
The Xamarin tool ecosystem is gaining popularity, as more developers continue to build tools with mobility in mind. Here's how to use them in your projects.
Xamarin.Forms: What Developers Make of It
Developers tell us why they use it and what benefit they derive from the tooling, and Xamarin developer Craig Dunn goes over the decisionmaking process when choosing between Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android.
Simplifying Cross-Platform Mobile App Development with Xamarin.Forms
Lots of decisions go into creating cross-platform apps. Without Xamarin.Forms, the decision process is almost too unwieldy. Here's how it can simplify your mobile development.
Cross Platform Mobile With C# WhitePaper presented by Visual Studio Magazine
My white paper on Visual Studio Magazine is now available. This whitepaper will discuss the details for developing cross platform applications with C#.
Be More Social: oAuth, Facebook and Xamarin
It isn't breaking news that social networks are a big deal to your users. But what's the best way to add that functionality in the cross-platform development world? One of the best ways is through Xamarin, which provides a set of components that allows developers to concentrate on high-level programming and solving user problems. This article will look at some technologies available in Android -- as well as the iPhone -- to add social features to applications. It serves as a companion to my April article that covered oAuth, Twitter and the Linq to Twitter library.
Standardized Navigation Principles for Android App Development - Visual Studio Magazine Article
Navigation in mobile devices is an important consideration. If a user isn't able to navigate an app, he might quickly abandon it. Learn the navigation principles of Android to keep this from happening to you.
Cross Platform Data Access with Xamarin & C# For iPhone, iPad, and Android - Local, Web Services, & Sql Server
The following is a link to cross platform data access training with Xamarin & C#. It is intended for use on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. The course covers local data in Sqlite, calling Web Services via REST and JSON, and calling Sql Server.
Cross Platform Development with Xamarin - Portable Class Libraries and ASP.NET Razor Templating
My training on Cross Platform Development with Xamarin w/ Portable Class Libraries and ASP.NET Razor Templating is now available online from Learn Now Online. The url is:
Mobile - Cloud - Web - Success
On the weekend of May 2-4, 2014, I attended the Atlanta Startup Weekend. I can't speak highly enough of the event. Jen Bonnett runs a great event, provides a lot of great speakers and mentors. I can't speak highly enough of her work and her event. She has a number of people that help out as staff: Maria Joyner (she has to approve my Twitter bio), Dawn Law, Kiran Bindra, Michael Ames, Wanda, and Chris Schwartz. I've been to other start up events, but this will always be the gold standard.
Using OAuth, Twitter and Async To Display Data - Connect to Twitter from a mobile application using OAuth with the Xamarin.Auth library, along with Joe Mayo's LINQ To Twitter library
Authentication has been a part of .NET for a long time. Unfortunately, there are a couple of problems:
Build a Cross-Platform, Mobile Golf App Using C# and Xamarin - MSDN Magazine Article
One of the fun things about the return of golf season is participating in tournaments that feature events such as a longest drive contest. In these, a person’s first shot off a designated hole is measured against others in the tournament. The longest drive during the day is declared the winner. However, these contests typically don’t have centralized scoring. If you’re in the first group, you don’t know until after the event is over where your shots stand in relation to everyone else’s. Why not use a mobile phone to record the starting point and ending point of drives and store the information in a cloud-hosted database?
CodeCast Episode #2 - Talkin' 'bout Xamarin
I was honored to have been on CodeCast Episode #2. While there, I talked about my past, how I got into programming, and the decision tree that led me to use Xamarin's technologies. After those discussions, I did a demo on oAuth authentication to Twitter via Xamarin.Auth and Xamarin.iOS (iPhone) and then showed the code for doing the exact same thing in Xamarin.Android (Android). Hopefully, this is helpful to you as you look at, discussion, try, and do whatever on Xamarin's technologies.
Article - How to Advance Your Software Development Career: Sharpen Your "Soft" Business Skills
Original Url:
Article - Xamarin How-To: Controls for Navigating Between Screens in iOS
Article Url:
Developers like to create simple examples. Typically, these examples are a screen of data and controls that users can work with. But rarely are real-world applications a single screen of data. iOS provides developers with several standard mechanisms to allow users to navigate between multiple screens of data. This article will examine two controls that developers can use to provide easy navigation for users: the UINavigationController and the UITabBarController.
I hope that you enjoy the article. Thank you for your time and consideration. -
Training on Xamarin.iOS with iOS 7: Introduction and Features
I have a new training class out on using Xamarin.iOS with iOS 7 (iPhone and iPad). This training class will introduce you to iOS 7. Personally, my favorite features are iBeacons. I hope that you all the new iOS 7 features as much as I do.
Training on Xamarin Visual Studio 2013 Plugin, .NET 4.5 async/await Support, HttpClient, and other New Features
I have a new training class out on Xamarin. This session will cover the new features that Xamarin has provided in their mid-2013 update. These new features include support for iOS 7 (iPhone and iPad), but don't require iOS7. I hope you enjoy this class. My favorite features here are the Visual Studio 2013 support for iOS, which I use every day, the .NET 4.5 async/await support, and the HttpClient.
Marketing for Software Developers
Here is an article that I wrote for Dev Pro Connections regarding marketing for software developers:
The Business of Software Development
You MUST be Cross Platform
PS. I have a cross platform article coming up in Visual Studio Magazine that is really big. I think you will like it.
Mobile Web HTML5 Training with jQuery Mobile - January 28, 2014