Why am I writing against the Twitter API directly?

Yeah, so some of my friends asked me why I am not using a twitter library instead of calling the api directly.  Yeah, I'm wondering that to.  Seriously, the reason why I am doing that is that .net libraries to call out to twitter that I tried under VS 2008, did not work with Windows Azure. These libraries seemed to generate a security exception.  Given azure's security requirements being a little more than regular asp.net, I decided to just drop the search for a library and make my calls on my own.  Not sure if its a good decision or not, but its what I did.

Original Url: http://morewally.com/cs/blogs/wallym/archive/2009/03/18/why-am-i-writing-against-the-twitter-api-directly.aspx

PS. I hear that Full Trust and Native Code support are coming to Azure.


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