
Archives / 2010 / March
  • Google Analytics and jQuery, happy together

    Google Analytics is great out of the box already, but you can do much more than just registering your page loads. Especially with all these “Web 2.0” sites it can be convenient to not register page loads, but events! In this blog post I’ll show you how you can use jQuery in combination with Google Analytics to get a great insight on what actually happens on your website while you’re not looking!

  • Get rid of the style="border-width:0px" from the Image tag.

    I do have pet projects in which I try to get every single nitty gritty detail right. And then it bothers me that by default the ASP.NET Image control adds a style="border-width:0px" to the rendered image tag even though I never asked for it. Not even does it add the style attribe without asking, it doesn't offer a way to get rid of it! You can get rid of it though!