Collapsible code ... I love it

I don't know about everyone else but I love collapsible code and regions in VS.Net.  I find myself breaking down all my classes into regions, such as Private Fields, Constructors, Public/Private Methods, Public/Private Properties, and Event Handlers.  And if you have learned the Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O(Collapse to Definitions) shortcut yet maybe you should.  I found myself hitting Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O every time I opened a code file so I created an addin that will collapse code to definitions every time I open a source file.  I love it.


PS: If anyone is interested in the addin just send me an email and I will try and clean it up a little and send it to you.


  • No need CTRL + ] jumps to the matching brace either backwards or forward.

  • I guess I don't mean brace matching i mean brace typing. In other words when I type [ I want it to automatically put [] with the cursor in the middle and when I type { I want it to put




    and leave the cursor at the | position

  • Hi Wes,

    I am myself trying to create a similar addin. I am somewhat stuck. Could you pl send me your addin or atleast give me some tips on how to go about collapsing code from an addin



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