CodeHTMLer plugin for Windows Live Writer
I've started using Windows Live Writer as my primary blogging tool. So far I like it. However, it was missing an easy way to insert highlighted code into posts. I know there are a few other plugins that can insert highlighted code, but since I'm the author of a syntax highlighting tool named CodeHTMLer I figured I needed to write my own plugin.
While writing the plugin I also updated CodeHTMLer a little and added a few more language definitions. CodeHTMLer now supports the following languages C#, C++, Java, JScript, VB.Net, XML, and Powershell. One cool thing about my CodeHTMLer plugin is that it supports changing and adding new language definitions. So if you don't like my default colors than change them, or if you want another language defintion add it (if you do add more languages feel free to send me the definition and I may add it to the default language set).
Thanks to Chris for doing some testing for me. Enjoy!