
Archives / 2003 / September
  • Get Directory Size in .Net

    Here is a code snippet that someone else might find helpful. Also if anyone else knows a better way to do this please let me know.

    /// Returns the size of the directory in bytes
    public static long Size(System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirInfo)
      long total = 0;
      foreach(System.IO.FileInfo file in dirInfo.GetFiles())
        total += file.Length;
      foreach(System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir in dirInfo.GetDirectories())
        total += Size(dir);
      return total;

  • Master's Thesis Topic

    I'm finally settled down now in Blacksburg VA and have started my first semester in Virginia Tech's CS Master program. I have found a professor who is willing to be my research advisor and allow me to work on a research thesis dealing with Microsoft .Net. Now I need a topic.