
Archives / 2004 / February
  • FireFox Tweaks

     Thanks for the Tips, I have been wanting the ability to rearrange my Tabs for a while.

  • Firefox.... Firebird Renamed

    Well they just released Firebird v0.8, well not exactly it is now been renamed to Firefox 0.8. But anyways if you aren't using it as your primary browser then I suggest that you check it out. I have been using it for a while now and I love it, I can't get enough of the tabbed-browsing and its clean feel.

  • ClickOnce

    I finally got a chance to look at Click Once: MSDN TV Wow, am I impressed. We have written a lot of NTD code to do what this is going to do for us. I look forward to working with this. Via [Greg Robinson's Blog]

  • Update on Internship Offers

    Well just for those of you that don't know, I was given an official offer from Microsoft and IBM's Extreme Blue Program for summer internships. It was a very tough decision to make. After many hours of thinking and discussing with my wife, I have come to the decision to accept Microsoft's Software Design Engineer Internship Offer.