Get Directory Path of an executing Batch file
Most people probably know that can use the variable %0 in a batch file to get the name of the executing batch file. However if you use that in conjunction with some batch parameter modifiers you can easily split that into a drive, directory or filename. Therefore to get the location of an executing batch file from within that batch file you can use the variable %~dp0. Where d is the drive, p is the path and 0 is of course the name of the executing batch file.
Over 100,000 hits
Wow I just looked at my hit counter on my blog this weekend and I have just passed 100,000 hits. This is since May 2003. That is pretty cool.
Outlook Blank Email Message Filter/Rule
The other day I posted about Empty Email Messages. I haven't figured out exactly why it happens yet but one of the commenters suggests it maybe due to a corrupt header. I think that maybe true but I don't know what to do to fix it.
Empty Email Messages
Lately I have been noticing an increase of completely blank email messages in my inbox. I get anywhere from 1-5 empty emails a day. The messages have nothing but a relatively small truncated internet header. Some of the internet headers are truncated in the middle of a header message. My guess is they are spam that gets stripped by some mail server but I really don't know. I have started keeping them in separate folder to see if I can maybe figure out a pattern.
Nerd Score of 83
Well I'm a big nerd but not as big as Scott Hanselman ;)
I'm back
It has been a long christmas break. I have been from Blacksburg to DC to Cincinnati to Detroit back to DC and now finally back to Blacksburg. My wife just graduated in Dec and moved to DC to start her new job. I stayed with her until my last semester at Virginia Tech started which was today.