Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...
Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It... This was pretty funny. I'm sure my wife will agree with most of it and get a kick out of it.
Harddrive Failure...
Yesterday when I got home all I saw on my screen was the standard "Failed to find Harddrive 0 No boot device found Press F1 to retry or F2 to enter setup" (something like that you get the point) and all I heard was CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, ..., CLICK. My hard drive had failed. Just great!! Luckily most of my data was stored on my file server so I didn't lose everything. Just my email for the past few months (so if you have emailed me in the last couple days an are expecting a reply please kindly resend your message) and my programing settings. I used to actually setup my profile to run from my server but I got lazy the last time I installed my system. Needless to say I won't make that mistake this time.
Moving to Community Server
I have decided that I want to move my blog to my own site and I'm going to be running Community Server as the backend. Currently I'm working on skinning the site. I have finished skinning the blog but I'm working on the forum and other parts right now. I wish everything within Community Server had a similar structure as the blog skinning, i.e. a layout template. I really hate duplicating stuff I want Master Pages! That is why I decided to use Paul Wilson's version of Master Pages. The only thing is doing that causes me to change every .aspx page in Community Server to use the Master Page Template. I guess that is better than changing them all everytime I want a structural change in my site.
Enable Remote Desktop Remotely!
I don't know how many times I've installed Windows, unhooked the monitor and keyboard, then tried to Remote Desktop in...and nothing, because I hadn't turned on Remote Desktop. I did it again today and quickly found a great answer: a single registry value! Check it out:
Windows Server Hacks: Remotely Enable Remote Desktop -
Who else out there likes a dock better than the standard windows taskbar? I have been using StarDock's ObjectDock for a few weeks now and I think I'm sold. I have hidden my taskbar and I only run a single visible dock at the bottom center of my screen.
Looking for a new place to live? Check out Google Maps/Craigslist combo.
Wayne posted about a google maps/craigslist combination web application that he found out about from Greg which is totally awesome.
TopDesk - Awesome task switcher
After playing around with TopDesk for a little while I'm about ready to pay my $9.95 to buy it. I just want to use it a couple days to make sure it works properly on my machine configuration. If you don't like the standard Alt-Tab task switcher you should definitely give this a trail run.
Open with Notepad - Context Menu option for all files
If you are like me then a lot of times you want to use notepad to quickly open and look at files. Some files you can choose the Open With > Notepad but not all file and particularly not for files with no extension. My solution is to add a context menu option "Open with Notepad" to all file types including files with no extension.
My thesis is now officially uploaded to Virginia Tech's ETD Digital Library.