
Archives / 2004 / April
  • XmlSerializer - some (enum) field not getting serialized...?

    Here's the scenario. I'm serializing a particular object, which contains other objects as properties. I have this particular enum type that won't get included in the serialized XML.

    For illustration - I'll simplify the class (which is a property of the main class being serialized); it looks as follows:

    public class Contact
      public ContactRoleType ContactRole;
      public string ContactID;
      // ....and some more fields...

    The ContactRoleType is a normal enum. All fields are serialized, except the enum field ContactRole. Strange thing is, when I rename the member field ContactRole, it does get serialized.

    I have actually used 
    Chris Sells' excellent tool XmlSerializerPreCompiler , and all the types can be serialized without any problem.

    All comments and ideas are welcomed!


  • Enum values as bit flags - using FlagsAttribute

    The other day, I was using the RegexOptions enum when creating a Regular Expression, and I thought it would be useful to dedicate a blog entry to using enumeration values as flags.

    The following is a poor example, but it should be illustrative enough.

    Imagine we have a Client class, and one of the Client properties is ClientState. The ClientState enum can be defined as follows:

  • Random records from table

    Hi all,

    Great to be part of this blogging community. I will try to submit several posts each week and will make sure they contain snippets of code here and there.

    Now, what would you do to select a random set of several records from a SQL Server database table?

    A couple of months ago I came across the following simple, but yet very effective solution to do just that. For instance to get 10 random quotes from a Quotes table:


    Personally I think it's pure gold.