My Silverlight talk at Montreal .NET User Group

This week I gave a Silverlight presentation at the Montreal .NET Community (

Very few slides and lots of code, I built live from scratch a Silverlight business oriented application with Visual Studio 2008 and Expression Blend, here is what I demoed:

  • Entity Framework over a SQL Server db (beers!)
  • LINQ
  • WCF service + asynchronous call on the Silverlight 2 client + best practice  
  • Design and Animation with Blend + a few tips (tab key to collapse windows, properties search)
  • Tips to prevent an animation from running twice
  • DataGrid templating (custom columns, custom selected row view)
  • DataBinding
  • Isolated Storage cache [Learn more]
  • Custom alternative “no Silverlight installed” version as well a as a way to simulate a user without Silverlight in IE. I finally build a nice working version of the page with data for the user without forcing him to install Silverlight. [Learn more]
  • Quickly talked about some of the new features coming with Silverlight 3 (currently beta)
Silverlight experience: Alternative ASP.NET version:

Lot’s of content! I wanted to show a bit of Silverlight 3 but that was too much.

You can download my code (*) here:

As well as the slides (french):

(*) The download include the asynchronous Database update as users edit the DataGrid.

For those of you who are interested to hear about Silverlight 3 don’t worry you still have plenty of events coming!


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