How can we convert a local path to a UNC path in c#?

Uniform Naming Convention (UNC): According to wiki, UNC specifies a common syntax to describe the location of a network resource, such as a shared file, directory, or printer in Windows OS.

In client-server development, we  can send a server path to its clients as UNC path. Therefore, those clients can access resources from the server. The UNC syntax for Windows systems has the generic form: \\ComputerName\SharedFolder\Resource. However, the safe side is using IP instead of computer name like \\IP\SharedFolder\Resource. Here we are going to see how we can convert a local path (say d:\razan\\') to its UNC-name ( say '\\ \razan\').

Why cannot we use string concatenation to do so?

The shared folder or drive can be shared as something other than the folder name/drive letter. Moreover, it is possible to have one-to-many mapping between local paths and UNC paths.

To implement this functionality, I have written the following class named UNCHelper.

1: class UNCHelper
 2: {
 3:     public static string ConvertLocalFilePathsToUNCPath(string fileName, string sharedFolderpath)
 4:     {
 5:         string strPath = fileName.Substring(sharedFolderpath.Length);
 6:         string sharedFolderPathInUNC = ConvertLocalFolderPathToIPBasedUNCPath(sharedFolderpath);
 7:         string networkPath = sharedFolderPathInUNC + strPath;
 8:         return networkPath;
 9:     }
11:     public static string ConvertLocalFolderPathToIPBasedUNCPath(string localFolderName)
12:     {
13:         string ipBasedUNCPath = string.Empty;
15:         ManagementObjectSearcher managementObjectSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Name FROM Win32_share WHERE path ='" +
            localFolderName.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "'");
16:         ManagementObjectCollection managementObjectCollection = managementObjectSearcher.Get();
17:         if (managementObjectCollection.Count != 0)
18:         {
19:             foreach (ManagementObject item in managementObjectCollection)
20:             {
21:                 String ComputerName = ReturnMachineIP().ToString();// use  Dns.GetHostName(); for computername instead of IP
22:                 ipBasedUNCPath = item["Name"] as String;
23:                 ipBasedUNCPath = "\\\\" + ComputerName + "\\" + ipBasedUNCPath;
24:                 return ipBasedUNCPath;
25:             }
26:         }
27:         return ipBasedUNCPath;
28:     }
30:     private static IPAddress ReturnMachineIP()
31:     {
32:         String hostName = Dns.GetHostName();
33:         IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName);
34:         IPAddress[] addr = ipEntry.AddressList;
35:         IPAddress ipV4 = null;
36:         foreach (IPAddress item in addr)
37:         {
38:             if (item.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
39:             {
40:                 ipV4 = item;
41:                 break;
42:             }
44:         }
45:         if (ipV4 == null)
46:         {
47:             throw new ApplicationException("You have no IP of Version 4.Server can not run witout it");
48:         }
49:         return ipV4;
50:     }     
51: }

ManagementObjectSearcher is the class that is commonly used to query disk drives, network adapters, processes, shared folder and many more management objects on a system. To test the code you can use the following line:

   1: Console.WriteLine( UNCHelper.ConvertLocalFilePathsToUNCPath("F:\\clustershare\\ razan_3.evp","F:\\clustershare"));

Here clustershare is the shared folder name. It has been tested in Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Hope this will save some of your time.


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