• What version of .Text are you running? I'd love to moderate my comments, but in my .94 version of .Text, there is no such option. .94 has "Default number of items to display in listings", "Always create new items as published", "Always expand advanced options" and "Enable Comments"

    Could you ammend your post to say what version of .Text you're using?

  • Roy agree I done that but sadly the spammers use the metablogs api to send their crap stuff. And you can't moderate this way.

    The only solution I know is to implement Brian Delahunty solution. Unfortunatly Scott seems to be too busy to do so with weblogs.asp.net :-(

    If Scott read this please implement at least Brian's solution, it take only five minutes to install it!

  • Roy,

    I've noticed recently (probably starting in the last month) comment spam on my blog. I've hesitated in turning moderation on as it's one more thing that I have to do each day. Yes, it's just a click but still that's time spent maintaining something that I shouldn't have to. I'm going to hold out to see if the spam goes away because like I said, for a year or so it was fine.

  • Only the weblogs.asp.net crowd has access to moderation in .Text. You guys were getting super secret code drops of .Text that were never released publicly. :( Everybody else has to upgrade to Community Server to moderate comments.

  • Ryan: I wasn't aware of this. I think I'm using 0.95 of .TEXT.

    Isn't this downloadable anywhere?

  • Sorry... I'm using .95... can confirm the OOTB .95 version avail on GDN (as a workspace) does not include this option.

    Hey, I'd love to do it... just need to do it! For now, I'm just waiting on the first SubText release.

  • Even the version on Scott his website that you could download file by file, doesn't have the comment moderation included.

    I have downloaded that version and have it running at home, in a test environment. But because of the number of bugs in .Text that seem to occur on totally random occasions, probably when there's a full moon or something like it, I decided to upgrade our community to Community Server 1.1, although I'm not totally satisfied by that product as well.

    But as I don't want a PHP or Java solution for all .NET bloggers, there's not really another option to support multiple bloggers :)

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