Dynamic Dialogs
Roland Weigelt in a recent blog entry talks about having to spend too much time on producing relatively simple dialogs. In the past, I found myself thinking about this too, mainly because I wanted a dialog (GUI) alternative to providing arguments on the command line.
Axapta vs Navision
For those involved in MS Business Solutions, or those just wondering about the difference between two of Microsoft's important business solution products - Axapta and Navision, the following (annotated) post by Gerrit Combrink and Rene on the Microsoft.Public.Axapta newsgroup might be helpful:-
On MSH - The Longhorn Command Shell
The Longhorn command shell - MSH (Microsoft Shell)- was announced at the 2003 PDC.
What's New in MS CRM 1.2
A good summary of what's new in Microsoft CRM 1.2 can be found here.
It's been a while since I last blogged, having been heads down on a number of projects - some interesting - some more mundane. All, nonetheless, offering lessons to be learnt.
Quote of the Week
“I think Sun doesn't really understand what a software company does.“
Indigo and .NET's Context Architecture Part 2
Following on from my previous post about Indigo and .NET's context architecture, it seems we may have the answer as to how a rich services framework (Indigo?) is going to be made easily accessible to users... call context...
Alintex Script .NET 1.2 Released
Alintex Script .NET 1.2 is now available for download at
Speculating on Indigo and .NET's Context Architecture
Indigo is a codename for a new technology being announced at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC) in October 2003
ASP.NET Web Hosting
Some time ago, we went through the process of finding a new hosting company as part of our move to ASP.NET.
A Faster Java* than Java - Code Available
The Java and C# code described in the earlier post - A Faster Java* than Java - is now available at
Using a Script to NGEN an Assembly
The message - "Creating .NET Native Executable Images..." - that appears during installation of Alintex Script .NET, has generated a lot of questions from users. Some are hopeful, that it means that one can compile a .NET application to native code, while others just want to know how the installer does it.
Generics with VB.NET and JScript.NET
Reading one of Sam Gentile's old weblog entries regarding late binding brought to mind a conversation I had recently with a VB.NET developer.
Alintex Script .NET 1.1 Released
.NET Integrated Scripting Limitations
The subject of dynamic compilation and unloading of assemblies in relation to the .NET VSA namespaces came up in discussion today.
Catching Exceptions in Alintex Script
Some of the more eagle eyed amongst those who read my my previous post about writing a 'whois' script with Alintex Script .NET 1.1, pointed out that the code didn't handle exceptions.
About 'The Missing Future' in Software
I found Eric Kidd's article (via James Avery) about 'The Missing Future' in software both interesting and a little sad.
Java 2 JFC Swing Library Released for J#
Microsoft have released a Supplemental UI Library for Visual J#.NET 1.1 which provides much of the functionality described in the Java 2 JFC Swing specification, as well as much of the functionality found in the JDK 1.2 java.util package. Updated versions of the Microsoft Visual J# .NET class libraries are also included.
A Faster Java* than Java?
Looking for a faster Java?
A Birds Eye View of a Whois Script
In my last post, I showed the code for a "hello world" script supported by the soon to be released Alintex Script .NET 1.1.
More Hello World
As my previous "hello world" post generated a lot of emails, I thought I would offer some clarification.
A new Hello World?
As time gets closer to ship, I'm pretty happy with obfuscated code like that shown below. Especially, as all those "|" symbols really are the same symbol in the PE file - rather than different (and hence traceable) undisplayable symbols.
Finding that Type in a Hurry
A free VS.NET utility I find helpful is QuickJump by Thierry Bouquain. Its character incremental search lets you quickly find, then jump to code.
Improving the VS.NET Build Output Pane
One annoyance with the VS.NET IDE is the less than helpful build output pane displayed on completion of a build. As shown below it's not particularly descriptive.
A NET 1.1 Dilemma?
Should one consider releasing a product built against the 1.1 framework rather than 1.0? Is it reasonable to insist on installation of the 1.1 framework, or is that unreasonable at this point from a marketing perspective?
What is a Script?
Cory Smith, implies in a comment to my line feed post, that a compiled language (VB.NET) and scripting are mutually exclusive.
Retrieving Embedded Resources in VS
Embedding resources in my assembly and thenretrievingthemis somewhat easier than the convoluted method I have been using to date.
Line Feeds in VB
Sometimes it's the simple things that stump you. I'm converting somecode from C# to VB. What followed was a bit ofhead scratchingover what appeared to be the most trivial of tasks.
Confusing Web Services?
Discussing service oriented architectures with a number of developers recently, made me realize that there is real confusion about how an ASP.NET XML Web Service should be implemented architecturally.
A Wiki Weblog
SnipSnap is an interesting amalgamation of a wiki with a weblog written in Java.
Adam Bosworth on SOA
John Udell recounts a great talk given by Adam Bosworth of BEA at the CTO Forum on Service Oriented Architectures.
Feeling Nostalgic
These two articles on the history of Windows on include a lot of screenshots for those feeling nostalgic for some of the early versions of Windows.
Posting against your Dotnetweblog using InfoPath
Tim Marman writes...
The Three Hour Rule and Blog-Stress
Ole Eichhorn's article (via John Udell) which includes his three-hour rule, is a great read for anyone like me trying to fit an increasing amount of stuff in my day.
InfoPath 'Submit' - Where Art Thou?
An initial couple of sessions with the InfoPanel Beta certainly highlights for me what a great product MS have produced. For me - it is so much more intuitive and user friendly than Altova's Authentic, although the fact that Authentic is now free means that another look is warranted.
Mapping a schema to parts of an Excel 2003 workbook
This downloadable video shows how one can map a schema to parts of an Excel 2003 workbook.
Why Visual Tools for Office?
The forthcoming release of Visual Studio Tools for Office, begs the question - why not include .NET runtime scripting in Office? What about VSA?