Presentation: Introduction to .NET and VS 2008 (Birzeit University)
Hi everyone.
Solving "A generic error occurred in GDI+" exception.
Modifying Profile of a specific user(not logged in user)
I noticed that the developers face problem when they want to update a profile of a user that is not currently logged in.
Displaying Online users using Linq-to-entities.
A frequently asked question on the forums is "how to display the Online users when using Membership ?
Modifying the countries dropdownlist to inlclude Palestine
After I started to use Blogengine , i noticed that Palestine is not in the countries list that disaplyed in the comments box.I found the the blogenigne use the CultureInfo to get the countries based on the languages of each region.Since there is no Palestine langauge for arabic culture , the Palestine wasn't inlcluded.
Nod32 antivirus is blocking Visual studio Built in development server
Recently I started to face the following problem: