
Archives / 2007 / February
  • Sharepoint Extensions for Visual Studio 2005

    Tags: SharePoint

    Any news on when a new release of the extensions are due? The state of the current tools is downright abyssmal. Even ignoring the requirement to run VS on the Sharepoint server machine, half the … more

  • Word 2007 and Sharepoint Workflows

    Tags: SharePoint, WWF

    I've got a couple of questions about Word 2007 integration with Sharepoint 2007, and several problems that occur because of it: The Mysterious Checked-Out Error Let's say I have a workflow attached … more

  • "Trial Expired" errors in unexpected places.

    Tags: SharePoint

    I've installed MOSS 2007 RTM on a couple of test VPCs here, using the 180-day trial version. Everything worked fine until I tried to create a new page in my Publishing Portal - suddenly … more

  • MOSS Workflows are versioned

    Tags: SharePoint, WWF

    I was asked today about MOSS's behavior when workflows are changed midstream. Say I have a document library with a Workflow attached to it, start a few long-running (non-immediate) workflows, then … more

  • Bad naming - Sharepoint Features

    Tags: SharePoint

    Gaaah! Who, in the name of all that is holy, thought that naming a feature in Sharepoint "Features" would be a good idea? Sure, it describes it, but it also describes practically everything else. It' … more