Important Information regarding Visual Studios 2008 Beta 2
We know many of you have been testing the Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 VPC images, It has been brought to our attention that the current Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 VPC images will expire on November 1, 2007, rather than March 15, 2008 as originally announced. It is strongly encouraged that you take all necessary steps before November 1, 2007 to back up all your projects and move your Team Foundation Server data to an alternate location. For instructions on moving your TFS data please refer to the article Moving Team Foundation Server,, located on the MSDN Library.
DevConnections + MVP's = Lets Meet up
HDC07 - A big success!
What a great time to be had a development conferences. Putting that many smart people in one room should be illegal honestly. Two solid days of .NET energy (and one adobe flex talk, ...<blink>) - Culminated with a 4 hour presentation by Scott Guthrie on the new Visual Studios 2008 / .NET 3.0 and 3.5 features.
Ajax Service Methods: Returning Strong types or lists.
In all the examples we've seen so far, we've returned simple strings, integers, or a standard type / value. That's all fine and good, until we have something a little more complex to return, or need to return a list or array of something, or a list of type. In the following example I'll demonstrate through code how to accomplish just that.