Doing DI with Autofac in ASP.NET Web API
ASP.NET Web API provides a very similar model to MVC for resolving dependencies using a service locator pattern. What you basically do is to provide the implementation of that service locator to return any of the requested dependencies, and that implementation is typically tied to a DI container.
Handling exceptions in your ASP.NET Web API
The Http status codes for reporting errors to clients can mainly be categorized on two groups, client errors and server errors. Any status code under 500 is considered an issue generated by something wrong on the request message sent by the client. For example, 404 for resource not found, 400 for bad request (some invalid data in the request message) or 403 for forbidden (an unauthorized operation) are some of the most well know client errors. On the hand, any other code over 500 is considered as a problem on the server side such as 500 for internal server error or 503 for server unavailable. This kind of error means that something unexpected happened on the server side while processing the request but it is not the client fault.
Validating your models in ASP.NET Web API
One of the nice things about having a single extensibility model between ASP.NET MVC and Web API is that you can get many of the great MVC features for free. Model binding and validation is one of them.
Integrating Backbone.js with ASP.NET Web API
In case you did not see the latest news, what we used to know as WCF Web API was recently rebranded and included in ASP.NET MVC 4 as ASP.NET Web API. While both frameworks are similar in essence with focus on HTTP, the latter was primarily designed for building HTTP services that don’t typically require an user intervention. For example, some AJAX endpoints or a Web API for a mobile application. While you could use ASP.NET MVC for implementing those kind of services, that would require some extra work for implementing things right like content-negotiation, documentation, versioning, etc. What really matter is that both framework share many of the extensibility points like model binders, filters or routing to name a few.
Hacking the browser cache with JQuery and ASP.NET MVC
Although JQuery provides a very good support for caching responses from AJAX calls in the browser, it is always good to know how you can use http as protocol for making an effective use of it.
AgileSight, my new venture
Another important milestone in my career started three years ago when I joined Tellago. I convinced my friend Jesus to hire me, and I would eventually move to the United States with my family to work in the company. That never occurred for some personal things, but I fortunately had a chance to create an excellent team of very talented people in Argentina. I started myself working remotely from Argentina, and the things went so well for the company that we end up hiring more than 15 great architects down here in Argentina. Creating this team was a very interesting and completely new challenge in my career.