Speaking at the Orange County C# Users Group - October 17th
I'll be giving a talk this Tuesday, October 17th at the Orange County C# Users Group on Asynchronous Web Services in .NET V2. If you live in the area and are interested in seeing how Web Services can be called sychronously and asynchronously swing on by for a discussion of callbacks, polling, WaitHandles and the new event driven model.
The meeting has been moved from the normal location I'm told (and I think I heard that the VB.NET group might be coming as well....it's good to see everyone getting along these days :-)). Details are shown below:
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Microsoft Building
Address: 3 Park Plaza, Suite 1800
Irvine, CA
Map: http://www.microsoft.com/about/companyinformation/usaoffices/southernca/orangecounty.mspx
The code and slides that I'll be presenting can be downloaded here. Thanks to INETA and Interface Technical Training (my employer) for arranging the event.