Re-throwing exceptions with variants of throw
At least a clear explaination of the difference between "throw;" and "throw ex;". Thanks Oleg.
Big media and technologies melting pot
Did you notice how the different media and technologies are converging?
Nouveau site sur la BD : Clair de Bulle
A tous les amateurs de BD, un nouveau site sur la bande dessinées est né ce week-end : Clair de Bulle.
Copy Constructors vs ICloneable
Shawn A. Van Ness presents various approaches for cloning objects, problems with ICloneable, and of course solutions. The discussion mainly revolves around copy constructors vs the ICloneable interface.
Updated HTTP module for URL redirections
I updated my HTTP Module for redirections, adding support for ignoring case. See the ignoreCase attribute.
ASP.NET HTTP module for URL redirections
For my own web sites, I needed to perform multiple URL rewritings, both in order to get short URLs and to charm Google and friends. You can see this at work for the SharpToolbox for example.
I improved Fritz Onion's HTTP Module, which performs redirects based on entries in your web.config file. It is regular expression-based, and is an easy way to perform automatic redirection for one set of URLs to another in your site. -
Manipulating .NET assemblies
Guys from the Operating Systems and Middleware Group at HPI (University of Postdam) have collected links to APIs and libraries to manipulate PE files, access metadata and IL.