Microsoft UIP (User Interface Process)
If you want to learn more about the upcoming Microsoft UIP blueprint, you'd better listen to Michael Stuart's interview.
Code Generation Network - Interview of Dave Thomas
Many people have pointed out the existance of the Code Generation Network. This looks like a very nice site and has a big list of code generation tools. While browsing through it, I found a link to this interview of Dave Thomas.
ASP.NET Authentication Question
I can't seem to find an answer to this:
Application domains, unloading assemblies and Visual Studio add-ins
It could be the title of a nice story, but it is not... a nice story :-(
Visual Storms
Yesterday somebody asked if the Lego MindStorm VS.NET tool I mentioned is publicly available: the answer is yes, you can find it (among a lot of other interesting stuff) at, it's a web site mantained by great guys from Pisa University. Seek for VisualStorms.
The Operating systems and Middleware Group at Hasso-Plattner-Institute at University Potsdam focuses its research activities on Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) and Dynamic System Configuration in context of Rotor and the .NET framework. We have reported our findings in a number of international conferences (AOSD'03, WORDS'03, ISORC'02 - see
Code generation, the other technology du moment
John Lam is doing some interesting research lately. I'd advise to keep an eye on his various reports.
Peter Provost has some ideas about it too. -
RSS for CodeProject
I once mentioned about a web service that CodeProject has and how easy it would be to convert it into an RSS feed. So yesterday I got the urge to do it. Anyway I've created an RSS feed for the latest articles on CodeProject at I thought maybe some other people might want this as well. So Enjoy and let me know if you find any problems with it.
Borland has detailed the new name for Sidewinder, C# Builder for the Microsoft .Net Framework. uggh. I'll still call it Sidewinder since that is a cooler name.
Octane, Sidewinder, Delphi for .NET
Borland gives some information about its upcoming .NET products. No new screenshots, so check the old ones out.
Cool system tools
Peter Provost says he used Handle from Sysinternals. Handle is a great little tool I wasn't aware of: it tells you which processes have a file open. It is particularly useful when you have a problem with a file beeing locked, but do not know what put the lock on it.
.NET Weblogs - Isolate referrals?
The "related reading" section of my list of tools is becoming very long and so makes the size of the page and download time bigger and bigger. I'm interested in seeing the referrals, but Scott, do you think you could come up with a solution to have them on a separate page (keeping pingback/trackback on the page)?
Otherwise, with time passing by this page may become to big. -
Best persistence, object-relational mapping, data-access layer generation tool?
As this is a frequently asked question, and since we have here some people that may have used such tools, maybe it'd interesting to ask the question again and synthesize opinions.
Opinions about persistence, object-relational mapping, data-access layer generation tools
Here I aggregate opinions on persistence, object-relational mapping, data-access layer generation tools.
Check the complete list of tools. -
ASP.NET hosting
I have a little web service of mine and its associated WebForm interface that need hosting. Please help them. Don't leave them alone outside without a home.
Cleaning for the list of tools
I've done some cleaning to the list of .NET tools in order to have a better RSS feed generated by Chad.
Some additions too. -
Future of .NET Weblogs
app/web.config file can reference an external config file
I recently discovered that the app/web.config file can reference an external config file to get some or all of its appsettings. [Paul Wilson's .NET Blog]
RSS for the list of .NET tools
Chad has setup an RSS feed for my list of .NET tools. Good quick and simple work. Bravo Chad!
130+ tools and growing
I've started to put together a categorized list of various .NET tools.
This list is not complete of course, but can be useful if you search a tool for a specific need. -
Web Service-based aggregator
Harry Pierson and Tim Marman are the first ones to talk about a server-based aggregator.
La programmation orientée Aspect avec .NET et J2EE
Un article très clair du très bon site DotNetGuru sur la programmation orientée aspects avec .NET et Java.
Delphi implements keyword (or dynamic interface integration) (or introduction)
I guess that my next feature request for eXtensible C# (or idea at least) would be the ability to add methods (and by extension any kind of members...) to a class. By using an attribute we could add one or a set of methods to classes.