Not Much on My Mind Right Now
I have two blogs, my personal blog and my technical blog. The technical blog is a small subset of the personal blog containing posts that are more likely to be of interest to the techie audience at
Fog is my Copilot
0xFF...FF / 10 == 0x19...99
A few weeks ago, I wrote a C++ routine to parse decimal numbers using the overflow detection principles of SafeInt. I couldn't find anything in the libraries that actually did a good job of checking for overflow.
Writing Clearly
I sometimes joke that I must be adopted because my parents have no aptitude for computers. I could make a similar joke about writing. Many of my immediate family, despite decent educations, seem to be incapable of writing a simple English sentence, much less a coherent paragraph.
Vim 7.0 is out
More than two years in the making, Vim 7.0 is finally out!