MSNBC News Aggregator
Check out the MSNBC Beta News Aggregator page: Newsbot. Similar to Google News - which, interestingly enough, is still in beta.
[OT] A real education - in 4th grade
I just heard about a cool idea a local 4th grade teacher is using to teach kids a lesson most folks don't learn until after college.
[Funny] Fun With C# and HP Laserjets
I just recently stumled across Ode To Code. Good stuff.
[HTML] FIELDSET and LEGEND tags of my co-workers who is something of a css junkie showed me some tags I was not aware of before, and how they can be nicely styled up to give some interesting form effects. The tags are the “fieldset” and “legend” tags which can enclose one or more “form” elements (I won't try to post the html here for fear of skrewing up other dotnetjunkies weblogs). They render quite nicely in IE without styling (see below, I like the rounded corners). And you can style them up with colour (see here towards the bottom). They also display quite nicely in mozilla (albeit without the rounded corners). They are in the HTML 4.01 standard so you have a fighting chance of them working in older browsers too.
[Funny] Steve Ballmer TV Ad for Windows 1.0
Ballmer Selling Windows 1.0 circa 1986.
Server.Transfer vs. Response.Redirect
Server.Transfer is often a better choice than Response.Redirect.
[FIX] Outlook Web Access (OWA) shows installer dialog on message edit screen
OWA 2000 and 2003 have an annoying bug that shows an Office Installer dialog when you bring up a message edit screen (new message or reply to message).
Reminder - @@IDENTITY
@@identity reminder
[OT] Vinyl Data
One strategy that major record companies have been employing lately to deter downloading is adding bonus computer content to new CD releases. I recently discovered that this technique is not unique to CD's, but had in fact been practiced in the vinyl era as well. That's right: there were a handful of records released in the late 70's and early 80's that contained computer programs as part of the audio...
...good article with screenshots here... very thorough history software included in audio format on music releases. you can even play some of them online, and i suggest you do - the thompson twins need your help: -
[Tip] Use IE for FTP, even if it's no longer your default browser
[Update: There's a decent FTP client for Firefox now: FireFTP. I recommend that instead of this registry hack.]
RE: Why is IE going down so much?
I don't think IE usage is still in the 90% range. Stats in my previous post on this topic, IE Market Share... and Why It Matters, show it in the low 80's and dropping - the July numbers show this trend is continuing. Remember that "alternative" browsers often report themselves as IE so they don't get "downlevel" HTML.
ASP.NET Resources does a redesign
In case you missed it, Milan of ASP.NET Resources ran a cool series on redesigning the front page of with an eye towards Web Standards (CSS, ECMAScript, XHTML, DOM).
[IIS] Reminder - July 9 is National Metabase Backup Day...
... and August 9 is National I Told You So Day, so get cracking. Backing up your IIS metabase is really easy, and if your metabase gets corrupted you're gonna need it[1]. Sure, you want to back up your production metabases, but back up your dev machine right now.
[FIX] IE crash when closing a window which is displaying a PDF
Kills all open IE browser windows. Following error message is displayed: