Not really into Pokemon
Having trouble keeping up with the ever increasing torrent of new technologies? Randall Munroe has a pretty helpful tip - when you're not sure, use the Pokemon defense.
[SQL] Force the protocol (TCP, Named Pipes, etc.) in your connection string
Barry Dorrans recently mentioned that you can force the database connection protocol by specifying np: or tcp: before the server name in your connection string. I've jumped through some hoops before using localhost to target tcp and (local) to target named pipes, but it looks like there's a much better way to do this (since MDAC 2.6).
[link] Shell command - Open folder as Website Project in VS 2005
Bradley posted a cool tip a while ago for how to simplify this. He uses a Visual Studio macro from a shell command (installed by a simple reg file) so I can just right click a folder and select "Open as Visual Studio Website".
Shell Command - Remove SVN Folders
The Subversion source control client maintains your local state in hidden folders named .svn inside your project, which can be a problem if you want to copy or share the project directory. This REG file adds "Delete SVN Folders" to the context menu for folders. When you select it, it removes all folders named .svn inside the folder and it's children (it does nothing if the project's not under Subversion source control.
New Cropper Plugins Release (includes Flickr, OneNote, TinyPic)
Patrick Altman added his plugins to the Cropper Plugins bundle out on CodePlex. His SendToFlickr plugin has become an essential part of my blogging routine - I grab portions of the screen directly to Flickr, then add them to posts with the Flickr4Writer WindowsLiveWriter plugin.
Sending files via the default e-mail client
I recently released a "Send To Email" plugin for Cropper, which makes it easy to grab a portion of your screen and send it as an e-mail attachment. It's easy enough to directly send an e-mail in .NET using System.Net.Mail, but there's no provision for sending a mail using the default client.
Passing lists to SQL Server 2005 with XML Parameters
CropperPlugins on CodePlex
Cropper is my favorite screenshot application because it supports plugins. I've published a few over the years - Capture to AVI and Capture to Animated GIF. My favorite plugin is one that I didn't write - Patrick Altman's Send To Flickr plugin. Now that we've got a Cropper build that works in Vista, I set up a CodePlex project for my plugins and am releasing a few more. It looks like Patrick's gonna join me, and Brian is planning to release his Cropper Plugin documentation there as well.
Inkscape 0.45 Released
Inkscape 0.45 is now officially released and available for download.