Beef Up Windows Apps with the Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack
Back in December of last year the Visual C++ team asked me to write an article for MSDN Magazine about the new Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack. Well the article has finally made it into print in the May 2008 issue and you can also read it online.
C++ Plus: Beef Up Windows Apps with the Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack
As a developer using Visual C++ , you may have felt a bit left behind in recent years as it seems like Microsoft has added more new features and functionality to Visual C#® than to Visual C++®. The truth is that although the Visual C++ compiler has continued to improve in a variety of areas including performance, security, and standards conformance, little has been done in the way of new library and productivity features for quite some time. And while MFC was updated to better support Windows Vista®, more could have been done. Now, however, to better support developers who use native code and MFC in particular, Microsoft has released the Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack. Here's your evidence of a renewed commitment to Visual C++.
If you’re looking for one of my previous articles here is a complete list of them for you to browse through.
© 2008 Kenny Kerr