Silverlight presentation at the Quebec User Group
Yesterday I did a Silverlight presentation at the Quebec User Group and my goal was to show the new features of Silverlight 3 to help build business app, so this was not quite an intro presentation with no animation and video...
As usual I showed only 3 slides and then built live a ginormous demo from scratch ”ScottGu style” in which I took advantage of Silverlight 3 + .NET RIA Services to manage a beers db with :
- Navigation Framework
- Style and Theme
- Data
- Entity Framework
- .NET RIA Services
- DataGrid + DomainDataSource
- Custom columns
- DetailsRow Template
- Sort
- Filter
- Group
- Pagination
- Activity Control
- Export to Excel
- OOB mode
And I even had enough time for a QnA session!
Download the Powerpoint content (french)
Download the source code (requires .NET RIA Services)