Vault 2.0 Beta Released
I tossed on my “Reckless Early Adopter” hat today and put up the beta release of Vault 2.0 into our live environment.
The biggest change from my perspective is the much improved Diff/Merge utility. Within an hour we had a merge issue that under the old version would have produced immense headaches. It had really reached a point around here that the term “Needs Merge” would strike terror though our collective hearts. But with 2.0 we were able to merge the files together in seconds. It was so easy in fact that it almost felt like I was cheating.
The other notable change is web based access to the repository. This isn’t much of an issue for us as we are still in development. But once we release we expect our top-tear support staff will really get a lot of use out of it. And it also gives non-developers access to design documents that we keep under source code control.
Overall, I’m extremely pleased with the new version. If you don’t have source code control, or are looking to change SCC providers, then you really should check out Vault. The only negative thing I can say about SourceGear is they are destroying my perfectly good and strongly held cynical view of development tool companies.
If you’re interested in trying out Vault 2.0, read this post on Vault’s support forum. One word of caution however; even though I have had no issues so far, it is still very much in beta. Use in production with extreme caution.