
Archives / 2005 / November
  • Ajax.NET Converters - Why?

    Tags: .NET, AJAX, Ajax.NET, ASP.NET, JSON

    I got some questions concerning the Ajax.NET Professional converters. Here is my answer I wrote to the Google group already: 1) I will make a first example with a object called Person. The Person … more

  • XmlHttpRequest not working

    Tags: .NET, AJAX, IE

    The last weeks I done a lot of test because of the memory leaks using .innerHTML or events (closures). When building some test pages I ran into a problem. I reached 65.000 handles for iexplore.exe. … more

  • Ajax.NET Professional Google Group

    Tags: .NET, AJAX, Ajax.NET, ASP.NET, Google

    Do you want to be the 500th member of the Ajax.NET Professional Google Group? Today the member list counted 473 members and 267 topics since 1st October 2005. You can read the threads by email, your … more

  • Fixed pre-release for Exception Handling

    I posted a pre-release version to the Google group, download the latest pre-release version here. 1) fixed the error object, it will now be used instead of res.value: if(res.error != null) {   … more

  • Using WITH(...) in JavaScript

    Some days ago I had a look in some Visual Basic source code and found the WITH statement there. I was thinking about how I can use this in JavaScript code. Below you will find a very simple script … more

  • AJAX problems for newbies

    Tags: .NET, AJAX, Ajax.NET, ASP.NET, IE

    I have some items I learned about AJAX (or Ajax.NET Professional) developer newbies: You cannot access the controls or HTML elements on your web site if you are using DOM/DHTML on the client-side to … more

  • Using a Request Queue

    Tags: .NET, AJAX, Ajax.NET, ASP.NET

    I have added a simple feature that will enable queuing for Ajax.NET requests. You can enable the queue with following line:  AjaxPro.queue = new AjaxRequestQueue(); The processing of the queue … more

  • My wishlist... ;)

    This week I got two mails from different companies asking me: "Michael, what can we do for you?" Hm, not an easy question, here is my whishlist (just joking)     ;) Sony HD … more

  • Hey, VB.NET is back...!

    I created the VB.NET examples and put the new files online. You can download the latest Ajax.NET Professional library at I added the different control … more

  • An simple AjaxButton using Ajax.NET Professional

    I have created an simple AjaxButton that will only call a method on the server-side code. There are no values sent to the server or back to the client. A new AjaxButton could serialize the form and … more

  • WebControls/ASCX and Ajax.NET Professional

    I put a new example online that will show the use of WebControls and ASCX files: Examples/Special/controls.aspx There is also a keypress demo at Examples/Special/keypress.aspx and onLoading … more

  • Opera Technology Preview 9 and XMLHttpRequest http headers

    Update: I get one request for the favicon.ico on every XMLHttpRequest request, that is strange, too. If you are using the XMLHttpRequest object you have to be careful for the .setRequestHeader method. … more

  • Chat about AJAX and Ajax.NET Professional tomorrow

    The next chat will be on Thursday, 3 November at 20:00 UTC. I will use the same AJAX chat at If you have problems calculating the correct time to your time … more

  • this.method() and base.method() in JavaScript

    I looked around for the problem when you want to inherit from a JavaScript "class" with overriding a method, but I didn't find any solution. Today I tried this, which is working, but not very nice … more

  • Ajax.NET Professional examples online

    I put the new examples for the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0 online: Version 1.1: Version 2.0: You can download both … more