WRN: Assembly binding logging turned off
I started to received this error since yesterday and after i add an assembly reflection to retrieve the assembly version. Interesting thing that when the application is deployed to IIS it starts to work fine! but after some time i started to receive this error "WRN: Assembly binding logging turned off", my reflected assembly can not be found! WHAT!!!!! just before 10 sec it was working!!. I debugged my codes and find out that there is nothing wrong, after that i decided to clean all asp.net temp files on the iis server and restart iis again.But before i restart iis i recopied the "Lost DLL" ( which it was not lost) to my application bin folder and yuppie its working again. in my situation it usually takes about 30 min to lose the dll :D, 1 hour passed and nothing happened until now.
Update : I used ildasm tool to find out what happens to my assembly after build. I found out that the assembly is built with a different Culture! normally on development no culture assigned to the assembly but after that when CCNET build the application a new culture is assigned!. that made other assemblies do not find the refrance of the wanted assembly!.
hope this helps