.NET Celebrity Auction
Julia Lerman is auctioning off a bunch of her friends on eBay (with their consent as I understand it). These people happen to be well known personalities on the .NET conference and blogging scene. At the moment you can pick up an hour of consultancy time for a little over $100. Considering that you can't usually buy quality consultancy by the hour, this is obscenely good value!
Testing Internal Methods
Over on the Windojitsu blog, Shawn has come up with a minimalist alternative to NUnit. The main reason given is not wanting to inflict a dependency on anyone who wants to build his project.
ResX Sucks!
Shawn has 5 reasons to hate ResX files! He also has a ResXCop tool to help keep your ResX files .NET 1.0 compatible. I'm hoping the MSBuild team will have solved some of these issues.
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