
Archives / 2005 / April
  • 'Test With... Debugger' - Fixed!

    It has been a frustrating few days getting 'Test With... Debugger' working again when any of the Beta2 products are installed (VS2005 or Express).  It turns out there are two completely independent issues.  One breaks debugging in VS2003 when installed side-by-side with VS2005.  The other appears to be an issue with the VS2005 debugger itself (it crashes when it can't find one of the PDB files).  I've created a new installer with workarounds for both of these issue.

  • Beta2 Breaks 'Test With... Debugger' (in VS2003)

    I have finally got the the bottom of the issue mentioned yesterday.  I can confirm that installing VS2005 beta2 or any of the Express products will break 'Test With... Debugger' in VS2003 (or VS2002).  What makes the situation worse it that uninstalling them won't fix the issue!  The good news is that I now have a patch that seems to work.  I'll explain what causes the issue and how the patch works.

  • Have you Uninstalled VS2005 beta1?

    I'm keen to hear from anyone who has uninstalled VS2005 beta1 on a machine with VS2003 installed.  There is an possible issue where uninstalling beta1 breaks 'Test With... Debugger' in VS2003.  I say possible because at the moment it's just a hunch.  Please comment here and let me know whether or not 'Test With... Debugger' is still working (I'm just as keen to know if it still works).  If the issue is consistent then I'll add it as an FAQ.

  • MbUnit @ Tigris Open for Business

    If you've been following Peli's blog you will know that he has been swallowed up by the big ship and is now working on the CLR JIT testing team.  This put the future of MbUnit up in the air for a while as the legal situation was clarified with his new employer. Now the dust has settled a bit, it is clear that Peli will only people able to contibute to the project in an advisory capacity. It makes sense for MbUnit to be passed back to the community with a new captain.  I am pleased to announce that Andrew Stopford has stepped forward to take the helm.