
Archives / 2015 / May
  • Podcasts For Developers

    Podcasts are a great way of utilizing your time while you are on the move i.e. driving car or riding in a bus/train. If you are unlucky like me, who has to spend couple of hours each day travelling between office & home and vice versa, then listening to podcasts while you are stuck in traffic can be of great help. Not only are you learning something new but it also helps you in keeping calm and makes the journey appear comparatively shorter.

  • Configure Windows Live Writer for Asp.Net Weblogs

    Every time I change my laptop, I had to remember all the steps that are required for configuring windows live writer. Given that live writer is not being maintained anymore, finding its genuine download link itself becomes a challenge. In thins blog post, I am going to bookmark for myself, what are all the steps required for configuring windows live writer for blogging.

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