
Archives / 2015 / July
  • Check If the Screen Saver Is Running Or Not?

    Although its rare but at times while building desktop based applications, we might come across situation wherein we are asked to handle “Screen Saver” operation i.e. perform some logic based on whether the “Screen Saver” is on of off. I found the following code snippet on internet almost two years back. I would like to thank the original author of the code. It’s been long time and its not possible for me to search for the original author of the code.

  • Asynchronous Web Api Action Methods

    In one of my recent WPF project, we made extensive use of async-await pattern. Async-await pattern greatly simplified the call-back and continuation based code required for keeping the UI responsive. In WPF, the pattern for implementing async-await is to invoke the IO/CPU intensive code in a background thread and attach the continuation logic on the main UI thread. In WPF, since we have a dedicated UI thread that controls all of the UI elements, using async-await is really helpful in keeping the UI responsive without having to write complicated call-back based code.

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