Entity Developer Review, Part 4
This is my fourth post on Entity Developer, Devart’s O/RM tool for NHibernate, Entity Framework and LINQ to SQL. The first post was an introduction to Entity Developer and a general description of its usage, the second was focused on NHibernate and the third on Entity Framework. This time I am going to cover some aspects that were not mentioned in the previous posts.
Entity Framework Pitfalls: Non Public Entity Sets Setter
Microsoft Unity Succinctly
Entity Framework Pitfalls: String Length Validation
If you want to validate the maximum number of characters that a string property can take, you might be lured into using MaxLengthAttribute. However, this won’t give you what you want: what this attribute does is, when a model is being generated, it provides the maximum length of the string field in the database, but does not perform any kind of pre-insert or pre-update validation. For that, you need to use StringLengthAttribute. This one is indeed a validation attribute, inheriting from ValidationAttribute, and will be called when EF is about to persist your entity, or when ASP.NET MVC validates a model as a consequence of a post. You can specify both the minimum (MinimumLength) as well as the maximum length (MaximumLength).
Entity Developer Review, Part 3
Here is part 3 of my exploring Entity Developer series, this time, on Entity Framework. Read the first part here and the second here.
Lesser-Known NHibernate Features: Validation and Lifecycle Interfaces
NHibernate offers two interfaces that can be used to validate an entity before it is saved or updated or to cancel its saving, updating and deleting: IValidatable and ILifecycle. They are an alternative to events, and don’t need anything else to work other than be implemented by some entity.
Entity Developer Review, Part 2
Here’s my second post on Entity Developer, this time, focused on NHibernate. You can find the first part here.
Microsoft Azure Development Cookbook Second Edition Review
Entity Developer Review, Part 1
I recently started to use Entity Developer, by Devart, to generate entities from my databases. It is a commercial product, mind you, and I am in no way affiliated with them, I just happen to like it, so I am going to talk a bit about it.
Filtering and Sorting SharePoint List Views
HTML Tags in XSLT Variables
Sometimes there is the need to show text inside HTML tags. For instance, in one occasion, I wanted to show just a portion of the contents in a Wiki field, but just the text. xsl:value-of will return the contents inside HTML tags:
Broadcasting Database Changes Through SignalR
There are several posts out there on using SignalR to signal changes in a database, but because I really didn’t quite like any of them, I decided to write my own.