Resharper 2.0 Released

JetBrains has recently shipped Resharper 2.0 -- a Visual Studio add-in that provides a rich set of developer productivity features for C# and ASP.NET developers (including richer refactoring support, ASP.NET code assistance, unit testing integration, Nant and MSBuild script editing, and more).

You can learn more about it and download a free 30 day trial here.

Hope this helps,



  • Our team has used it for a long time, and we love it!

  • Thanks for announcement!

    ReSharper rules!

  • Why is the built-in refactoring tools in VS2005 so very slow? Is this being looked at?

  • Hi Brad,

    There are known performnace issues with the VS 2005 Web Site Project model with refactoring. You can use this blog post to speed things up a little: Improvements are being made to SP1 to help with this.

    VS 2005 Web Application Projects do not have these refactoring performance issues. So one option would be to modify your web project to use this project option instead -- in which case performance is great.

    Hope this helps,


  • I have been trying Resharper for a couple of days now, but I most say I am not at all impressed. There are some greate features in the package indeed, but the performance drain Resharper seems to be has now caused me to do an uninstall. Most of all the extention of VS2005 load time hit me - Resharper muliplied the load time by many times (at least on my installation).

  • I've found Resharper to be great, though performance of version 2.0 isn't up to scratch on VS 2005 (though it's fine on 2003).  Not all users are experiencing this problem though.

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