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Writing Testable Code - Introduction
I've had a keen interest in the way testable code is different than non-testable code. To help me explore the differences more fully I plan to write a series of posts that chronicle my experiences, insights and failures.
Root Canal
Lucky me had a root canal today. My dentist told me I had the longest roots he had ever seen, whoopee! What that means in practical terms is that the tools they use for cleaning out the canal wan't quite long enough and that I'll have to rely on antibiotics to make sure I don't have any problems.
Windows Update, Good vs. Evil
Scott H. pointed out that they typically disable Windows Update on their production servers. Makes perfect sense to me. On the other hand, I want Windows Update to pull updates for EVERYTHING on my dev box. I don't want to look for Office patches, SQL patches, MapPoint patches, etc., etc. I want a Just Patch Everything button.
Writing nAnt Tasks
I finally broke down and started writing my own set of nAnt Tasks to control version (revision) numbering and updating the AssemblyInfo.cs files so our deployed assemblies will finally have the real version number embedded in them. I expect there is documentation somewhere on the best way to do this, but I went with the "if all else fails read the documentation" approach.
BuildIt is a new build tool from MS (via Sapient Corp.)