Getting VS.NET to Recognize @ as T-SQL Variable Prefix
Some of you may be rolling your eyes at this suggestion, but it's been bugging me for months and I finally figured out how to fix it.
Portland, OR XP Users Group Meeting - Mar 8
XPDX is having their next meeting Tuesday March 8. If you are in the Portland, OR area next week come on by. My buddy Mark Clerget is going to talk about running an agile project in a government environment. This post is a result of some of the work they did to fit into the culture of the existing PMO.
Published in Cutter IT Journal
My article on peer reviews has finally been published by Cutter IT Journal. Unfortunately a subscription is required to view it. I'm working on making it available freely.
Engineering, Craft or What?
Patrick Logan writes about the debate regarding whether software development is a craft or engineering. He has an interesting spin in that what makes software seem "craft-like" is the informalities.
David St Lawrence on Self Publishing
David St Lawrence has a series on the ongoing process of self publishing his book "Danger Quicksand - Have A Nice Day". Since I look into self publishing every few years or so for myself or clients I am finding David's ideas and resources to be right on target, not to mention that the self publishing option seems to be getting better every year. If you are remotely interested in this topic you need to read part I, part II and part III and any future posts.
Clarke Ching's Secret Ingredient
A teaser from Clarke's book. If you want to know what the secret ingredient is take a look at his Sticky Minds article.
Watch Out World - I'm now Certified!
Just got word today that I am now a Certified Scrum Master!
Why Technology Kingdoms Rise and Fall
My guild brother Mark Clerget has a great post about Why Technology Kingdoms Rise and Fall.
Variable Naming (Hungarian revisited)
A friend asked me today if I preferred to add a scoping prefix to variable with class scope like so:
Extracting Column Names for a Table in SQL as a CSV String
I had a need (creating CSV BCP files) that required knowing the column names of a MS SQL table in the order they were created. Some inspiration from Mark Clerget and a little fooling around with SQL Query Analyzer resulted in the following.
Approaching System Boundaries with TDD
Bill Caputo has a wonderfully clear explanation of how to address questions regarding using TDD at system boundaries.
Skiplists in C#
Thanks to Patrick Logan I now know what Skiplists are.
Practical Agile Testing
Elisabeth Hendrickson has a great post about the practicalities of agile testing where she takes Brian Marick's breakdown of testing vectors and talks about what to actually do differently to achieve agility in testing.
Portrait Of An Agile Development Process
Jake Lawlor gives a great overview and lots of practical details around the implementation of an agile development process.
Dynamic SQL INSERT Generator Unleashed!
Mark Clerget has another excellent post on using SQL to generate SQL. This time Mark demonstrates how to generate a series of INSERT statements from an arbitrary table.
Beyond Bullets: Microcasts
Cliff Atkinson has recently produced several microcasts (using Camtasia)demonstrating several key aspects of his new book "Beyond Bullet Points". I've enjoyed Cliff's eye opening series on how to make stunning PowerPoint presentations.
You know you're a geek when...
You record the Superbowl on the PVR so you can watch the commercials, but your wife makes you watch some of the plays...
Utility: PureText
I've come to rely on this great little utility from Steve Miller.
Portland Extreme Programming Users Group (XPDX)
XPDX is having another meeting Tuesday Feb 8, 2005. I will be running a workshop I am preparing for Agile 2005.
Writing SQL with SQL
Mark Clerget of the Consultants Guild has a great post on generating SQL using SQL. Many moons ago Mark taught me this trick and it has served me well over the years.