ASP.NET Podcast Show #29 - Atlas User Group Talk

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Note: The audio of the questions from the group is lacking.  I have attempted to improve those sections of the audio file, but it still may not sound quite right.

Show Notes:

On November 29, 2005, Wally did a talk to the Knoxville .NET User Group on the subject of Microsoft's Atlas.  The powerpoint slides from the talk.

Scott Forsyth of ORCSWeb is the Database Geek of the Week.


  • In one of your slides you say: "Sorry, but DND does not work properly right now." Unfortunately I couldn't make it to the presentation, so would you mind explaining this a bit? :)

  • Wilco - I was talking to Rob Chartier about DnD and he told me that it didn't work right now. If it does, I will glad change the slides and put up an example that works. I googled for an example and I didn't find one, so I assumed that was correct. :-)

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