Coach Dad falls to 2-2
Sorry for the delay between posts, and I know you are just dying because of it. Our second and third grade basketball team is 2-2 now. We won our first game 25-8. We won our second game 19-13. We lost our third game 26-23. We lost our fourth game 25-23. In game two, Kirsten had 8 points and Bradley had 3. In our third game, Bradley had 11 points and Kirsten had 2. In our fourth game, Kirsten had 9 and Bradley had 6. Kirsten played hurt through out much of the second half as she got hit in the mouth and her braces cut. her lip. I was very proud of all of our children. All of our team played hard. Our biggest weakness at this point is playing defense, so I am going to have our kids work on defense a little more at our next practice.
SBC Announces plans to acquire AT&T for $16 billion
SBC Communications on Monday announced plans to acquire AT&T in a $16 billion deal, a move designed to bolster SBC's sales to enterprise customers nationwide and give it greater access to national and global networks.
ADO.NET Whidbey User Group talk in Chattanooga, TN
On March 8, 2005, I will be speaking in Chattanooga, TN at the Chadnug User Group. The talk will be on ADO.NET in Whidbey/Yukon. I'll talk about enhancements to the client side SqlClient in ADO.NET and the opportunities opened up by the in-process data provider in Sql Server 2005. I've done this talk in Roanoke, VA and Charlotte, NC. Both times, the number of attendees was more than expected. I hope this one turns out well also. If you are in the Chattnooga area, come and listen.
Finally, a good use for a dataset in a project that starts from scratch
Most of the recent projects that I have worked on have had fairly simple data shape requirements. What I mean by that is that the majority of the data tends to fit into a "row" of data. I've had some older (COM/Classic ADO) projects where the there was a lot of relationships, but nothing new where I can work a good dataset design into the system from the begining. Well, I am getting started on a new project. As I have read over the initial design documents, the term "dataset" has been screaming at me as this will be the first project that I will be able to design a dataset into with appropiate hierarchy from the begining.
Updating an ASP.NET 1.1 app to ASP.NET 2.0 Whidbey
This is just an FYI. I have taken a copy of a couple of existing ASP.NET 1.1 applications and updated them to ASP.NET 2.0 Whidbey. The applications were relatively simple applications without a lot of complex UI items. One of the applications was a mobile ASP.NET 1.1 application. The three applications updated without a hitch and even ran properly, as far as I could tell.
Diebold unveils e-voting printer to create a paper trail
Referencing a form element on a PreviousPage with ASP.NET in Visual Studio .NET 2005 Whidbey and Thanks to Keith Smith
Referencing a form element on a previous page with ASP.NET Whidbey is a little more complicated than I had initially thought. Its not horrible complicated either, but there are some tricks that I was not aware of.
Debugging ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2005 Whidbey
I have been having this really weird problem when I try and debug this small ASP.NET application I have written in Visual Studio .NET 2005 Whidbey. Some of the ASP.NET pages will debug, some will not. I have been pulling my hairout trying to figure what was going on. It turns out that the pages I could not debug did not have their CodeFile and Inherits properties properly set in the ASP.NET page declaration. These pages were created in various builds of .NET Whidbey and had the ClassName property set.
MySql 4.1.9 has been released.
Microsoft continues to back the MVP Program
Knox County School System/Board in Knoxville, TN - Non-Technical
Update: The Knox County School System/Board has announced that they are going to build their new high school in Hardin Valle and not at Dutchtown Rd./Pellisippi Pkwy.
Full-Text Catalogs in the master, model, or tempdb databases
In reading through the documentation on Sql Server 2005, it states that a full-text catalog can not be created in the master, model, or tempdb databases. The more interesting question to me is "Why would I want to do create a catalog in those databases?" I've always stayed out of those databases and I always thought it a good idea not to go changing things in them.
Thanks to John Kane
Just wanted to thank John Kane for his suggestions regarding Full-Text Searching. John has a very informative blog on Full-Text Searching.
Data Type Suggestion in Sql Server 2005. Use varchar(max) and varbinary(max)
One of the interesting things that I am reading in the documentation for Sql Server 2005, is that the data types of text and image are going to be removed from a future version of Sql Server. The varchar(max) and varbinary(max) data types should be used instead. As I had some previous problems with the text data type with a CLR trigger, moving the column to a varchar(max) was fairly painless.
Full-Text Search Chapter Outline is now completed
I think I have just about completed my outline for the Full-Text Search Chapter Outline is just about completed and I have written some content. I'll probably have a few changes to the outline, but I like where I am at now. I'm really excited about this. I can honestly see the finish line of this book now.
SAP Portal Development Kit for Microsoft .NET for use in Visual Studio 2004
Excellent "Millionaire Question"
I was working out tonight and I saw one of the starter questions on "Who wants to be a Millionaire." The question was "Order the properties in the order that a player on Monopoly comes across" and lists out four properties. What about a more realistic question, like order the following four data access technologies in the order of their introduction. The first introduced would be list first, the second would be listed second, and so on. The options would be:
DDL for Full-Text Setup
Hmmm, nice. With Sql Server 2005, Microsoft will introduce DDL statements to managed full-text indexes and catalogs.
Detach and Attach Full-Text catalogs in Sql Server 2005 easily
Last year about this time, I was playing around with a web spider that I worked on. Still am, but its on the shelf right now while I work on real things. Anyway, one of my complaints about trying to do full-text search with Sql 2000 was that when I moved the database onto a new drive, I was still seeing utilization on my main drive. One of the cool features of Sql Server 2005 is that the database actually contains the contents of the full-text catalogs. The result is that I can attach and detach databases and catalogs and they move around together because the catalogs are included in the databases. This is sweet. Full-Text Indexing is becoming more and more a full fledged piece of the database.
Full-Text Index Incremental Population in Sql Server
If you want to perform an incremental population of a full-text index in Sql Server, you must have a column with the data type of timestamp in each table that you want to index. If you do not have a column of type timestamp, the incremental population will turn into a full population, which is much more resource intensive.
Thanks Dave
I just wanted to publically thank Dave Wanta for letting me know that one of my systems here in my office had been blacklisted about 3 years ago. He found the problem because an email I sent him earlier today was listed as SPAM. I thought I had taken care of the problem a while back, but obviously not. I've requested a check, so hopefully, the system will be removed from the blacklist relatively soon.
New System
I just got back to the office a little while ago with my latest system for my office. It is a P4 3.2 ghz, 2 gigs of ram, 250 gig sata hard drive, and some big ass video card. I am setting this system up now with Win2k3. I have another system just like this on order to be our new main server. I haven't bought much new equipment over the last 3 years for the office, besides my AMD64 system. I figure over the next 12 months, I'll buy 2 more system for general office work and a new laptop.
Full-Text Search limits
If you want to full-text index a table in a Sql Server 2005 database, there is an internal limit of 2,000,000,000 rows in a full-text catalog. If I remember correctly, this is the same limit in Sql Server 2000, and perhaps Sql Server 7, but I don't have one of those up and running to check.
Full-Text Search chapter
I finally set down today and started to outline my full-text search chapter. After I did a basic outline, I started writing. I am happy to say that I have filled up four pages today. I've been working on pulling together background material on how the full-text indexing works in Sql Server and reading through that over the past couple of days. I've used full-text search in Sql Server for several years, but I didn't know before the past couple of days what I know now. Wow, this is really useful and has at least doubled my knowledge of Full-Text indexing.
Want to load your own Filter in Sql Server 2005?
Want to load your own filter in Sql Server 2005 to perform Full-Text searching? Unless the filter is signed by a trusted source, you will need to perform:
Check the filters installed in your Sql Server 2005 database
Would you like to find out the filters that are installed in your Sql Server 2005 database? Try this: exec sp_help_fulltext_extensions;
Coach Dad Wins One - Off Topic
My 2 children are playing basketball together on a team this year. Kirsten played last year and played really well last year (leading scorer on her team, if I remember correctly), but her team didn't win any games last year. As a result, we brought in a tough, hard nosed free agent from the playgrounds of Knoxville named Bradley (McClure). His job was to do the things necessary to insure one victory this year. He has completed his task as we won on Saturday 25-8. I have posted some video clips that show their stellar play.
Picture from Charlotte during talk on ADO.NET Whidbey/Yukon
Scott Forsyth (@ ORCSWeb) took this picture of me during my ADO.NET Whidbey/Yukon talk in Charlotte on Tuesday night. Many thanks to Scott for the pic. I met some very nice people at the talk. There were about 65 people at the talk. I got in about 1:15 am on Wednesday morning. Man, was I tired.
Full-Text Search in Sql Server 2005 / Yukon Chapter
I am starting to write my Full-Text Search in Yukon chapter. Expect to see some posts coming up on Full-Text Searching.
Looks like it is official - WindowsXP for Itanium goes away
Skype 1.1 is released
Skype 1.1 has been released.
Online scams emerge in tsunami's wake - CNET article
Crudely written appeals for help have begun to appear in e-mail inboxes, asking for donations through a Web site or an offshore bank account, the analysts said.
Hot dang - I'm an MVP Again.........YIPPPEEEE
Hot dang. I got my MVP award for 2005. The email was sent last night and I got it when I signed in this morning. Visual Developer ASP/ASP.NET is what I was before, so I assume that is what I am now. Thanks Ben!
Technical details as to how Tsunamis work
The US Geological Service has a section of their web site devoted to the technical details as to how tsunamis work.
Firewire drive on Win64 for x64 works!
This is very cool. I decided after checking out the USB drive this morning that I would check out my firewire drive this afternoon. I plugged the drive in, ran the "Disk Management" MMC snapin to assign a drive letter and there is was. That was such a cool thing. This worked on Win2k3 for x64 build 1289, aka RC1.
Sql Server 2005 internal chapter shipped today
I just shipped my Sql Server 2005 internals chapter off today. The chapter includes a lot of good information on the System.Data.SqlServer namespace, which is soon to be removed. I just love writing on beta code.
We're on Amazon. Yippeee! Our book listing is on Amazon
"ADO.NET in Whidbey/Yukon" talk in Charlotte, NC on Tuesday 1/4
I know that the most important item for you on Tuesday is to be at my talk in Charlotte. I will be doing a talk on ADO.NET in Whidbey/Yukon. You can preview my talk.
USB Memory Drive with Windows 2003 for x64
I just plugged my 128 meg USB drive into my AMD64 system running Windows 2003 for x64 (Win64 for x64) Release Candidate 1 (Build 1289). Low and behold, the drive was recognized and there were my files. Very Nice.
"RemoteOperationException: ERROR: wrong password for user" with Oracle 10g
Have you gotten the error; "RemoteOperationException: ERROR: wrong password for user" with Oracle 10g? If so, it is probably because the OS user that you are trying to login to the Oracle Enterprise Manager with has not been setup to allow the user to logon as a "Batch Job." To resolve this issue:
Virtual Server 2005 Migration Toolkit
The Virtual Server 2005 Migration kit is available at
Georgia Tech Sports
Well, I think the GT guys did a good job over the past month.