The iPhone 20 second rule
If you didn't know it, the iPhone has two twenty second rules that developers need to pay attention to:
Safari and WebKit Development for iPhone OS 3.0
UIAlertView - the alert box for the iPhone
There are times when the user needs to be presented with some information or question. MonoTouch has a UIAlertView object. The UIAlertView is instantiated with a set of parameters. On the object instance, the .Show() method is called. For .NET developers, this is similar in concept to the .NET MessageBox. For JavaScript developers, this is similar to the window.alert() and window.confirm() methods.
Opening another application on the iPhone using NSUrl
The NSUrl class is what allows an application to open other applications within the iPhone OS while passing parameters. The calling sequence is fairly simple. There are two steps to making this call:
1. When the NSUrl class is instantiated, a string representing the URL scheme is called. Note that different applications will have different schemes and use different protocols.
2. The static method UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(ns) is called, where ns is the NSUrl class. When the static method is called, if it is not possible to open a URL, a false is returned. If it is possible to open the URL that is passed, the URL is opened and a true is returned. -
UIPicker in the iPhone with MonoTouch
The Mono / MonoTouch Soft Debugger
Honestly, I thought that it was really cool when the Novell guys put a soft debugger into Mono/MonoTouch so that it is possible to debug an application running on the iPhone Simulator or on the actual device. Basically, its a set of code inside of MonoTouch that will talk back to the debugging device. According to the document, it works in the simulator, an iPhone attached to your macintosh, or over wifi if you are ont eh same network. Thanks guys!
Putting a Point on a Map in the iPhone
I wrote the following code to put a point on a map on the iPhone. It works pretty well. Basically, I draw a map, then I inherit from the MKAnnotation object and create a new constructor, go out to geocoder and get a lat lon to senter the map on, and finally, I put a point in the center of the map. I've got to thank Craig Dunn for the inspiration of inheriting from the MKAnnotation object.
.NET Talks in 2010
I've worked up the following talks for 2010.
My thoughts on MonoTouch as we enter 2010
What a wild and crazy last 6 months its been for my personal development direction. I've always been excited about mobile development. Every couple of years, I ask somebody at Wrox about a book on mobile development. Every time, the response is along the lines of "You are f***ing kidding." In June/July, Novell, the NetWare guys, announced MonoTouch. Its a library that allows developers writing in .NET/C# to target the iPhone. Wow, .NET developers, who are the largest market of developers could target the iPhone, the smartphone that clearly has the most mindshare. I sent an exploratory email to someone at Wrox about doing a Wrox Blox on MonoTouch. The response was almost immediate, "Get me a proposal and get started. The iPhone is H O T."
Be careful what you name a Project or Solution in MonoDevelop
I downloaded and installed MonoDevelop 2.2 on my Windows 7 laptop as well as installing Mono 2.6. Everything installed correctly. I decided to create my first ASP.NET web application and see if this will actually work. I created an ASP.NET Web Project. I got the following errors;
10 Commandments of Mobile Development
I see all kinds of problems with mobile development and companies trying to do mobile development and I've boiled them down into my 10 Commandments of Mobile Development:
ASP.NET MVP for 2010
I want to thank Microsoft for naming me an ASP.NET MVP for 2010.