Windows Live Writer BlogThis macro for Outlook 2007
If you use Windows Live Writer as your blogging tool and Outlook 2007 as your RSS aggregator then you maybe interested in this VBA macro. It will pull the necessary information from the currently selected RSS Item in Outlook and call the Windows Live Writer BlogThis API to create a new post.
CodeHTMLer plugin for Windows Live Writer
I've started using Windows Live Writer as my primary blogging tool. So far I like it. However, it was missing an easy way to insert highlighted code into posts. I know there are a few other plugins that can insert highlighted code, but since I'm the author of a syntax highlighting tool named CodeHTMLer I figured I needed to write my own plugin.
Ways to shutdown/restart your computer via Remote Desktop.
I don't how many times I've needed to reboot a machine while accessing it over Remote Desktop. I usually just open a command prompt and type shutdown -t 0 -r to reboot. However, Raymond provides four ways to do this.